PORTFOLIO • Management

Design Knowledge Sharing

To facilitate my UX/UI Design Mentoring Program, I have developed a Design Knowledge Base Tool. It is designed for companies to use to facilitate Design Knowledge Sharing at an organisational level.

Already it has been used by various companies to establish a Career Development System for designers.

My Practice

Design Knowledge Base
Design Knowledge Base is developed to align with designers' competency requirements and contains easily accessible topics about UI, UX, CX, Interaction, Service Design, vital soft skills and methods for designers.
Each topic is categorised by qualification level, is easy to share and use as a learning tool. It features tools that enable users to add comments and new information sources.
Corporate Design Knowledge Base
Every Corporate Design Knowledge Base is customised to be mapped to designers' competency requirements, specific to each company. It is designed to deliver all of the information required to develop the skills needed to follow planned career paths.
In practice, it improves the transparency of requirements for assessment and helps motivate designers to develop their primary skills.
Design Knowledge Sharing Features
  • Collecting feedback and identifying pain points
  • Identifying knowledge and strategies which can help designers overcome identified weaknesses
  • It is an easy way to share topics lists for workshops and provides a voting platform where needed
  • A tool to assign preparation materials for workshops for specialists who need additional design expertise
  • An easy way to present concepts and design topics to interested parties
Design Skills Map
This is a tool that visualizes the skills required to follow specific career paths. It is designed to improve designers' understanding of individual grow points and helps motivate them to improve their skills.
Do you want to know more about my experience,
or wish to discuss a UX/UI Design Management opportunity? Get in touch now. I'd be delighted to hear from you.